Watch Love Happen
Game show app with real people dating for your entertainment
Are you single?
Sign up to be chosen for an all-expense-paid first date, streamed live for Chatbowl’s audience.
Do you enjoy watching people fall in love?
Follow the beginnings of three couples, viewing all their wholesome and awkward conversations.
Sign up for the best mobile game-show experience!
Mobile App Game Show
Three couples are selected and matched for two weeks.
The couples talk via text feed and video chat within the app.
Enter to win an all-expense-paid first date
The audience can watch and read the three couples’ conversations and choose their favorite couple by contributing $1 to the first date.
The couple that raises the most money wins!
All the prize money raised by the audience and sponsors is used for the winners’ first date.
Depending on the amount raised, the date activities can be modest or extravagant.
The first date is recorded and produced for Chatbowl’s audience.